The LME is working with global market participants along the value chain to deliver new risk-management tools for the battery materials and electric vehicle (EV) industries.
Some key battery materials such as nickel, lead, cobalt, copper and aluminium are already well established on the LME. Our recent cash-settled LME Cobalt (Fastmarkets MB) contract, and partnership with Fastmarkets MB to develop a transparent and robust pricing solution for lithium, are providing further hedging and trading opportunities for this growing sector in the future.
Battery materials webinars

Fastmarkets: Lithium Market Fundamentals for 2021
Will there be enough upstream investment to avoid supply tightness? How will the drive to become sustainable affect new capacity?

Fastmarkets: Asia's position
This webinar turns to Asia, where large investments in infrastructure are expected to lead to further increased energy storage capacity and electric vehicle (EV) demand.

Fastmarkets: Europe's position
In a market usually dominated by Asia, 2020 saw a significant shift in attention towards the European battery raw materials (BRM) market.

Fastmarkets Battery Materials Webinar Series 2020
Industry experts discuss how global lithium production and markets have been impacted by COVID-19.

New Fastmarkets-settled LME Cobalt Contract
Outlining how cobalt market assessments are made, and how to manage risk with the the LME Cobalt (Fastmarkets MB) cash-settled contract.
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