
Our responsible sourcing webinar series is designed to give LME-listed brands and stakeholders in the metals supply chain a more in-depth understanding of the LME’s requirements. The LME team and industry experts will explain the various aspects of responsible sourcing and offer practical advice on how to achieve compliance.

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Responsible sourcing webinars

Geometric structure
Navigating RMI standards and LME responsible sourcing requirements
Nicole Hanson of the LME and Jennifer Peyser of the RMI discuss how LME producers can reach compliance through RMI standards.
How can Copper Mark help brands reach compliance with the LME's responsible sourcing policy?
Mingyou Yang of the LME and Michele Brulhart of Copper Mark discuss and answer questions.
Alumina view
How can ASI certification help with the LME’s responsible sourcing requirements?
Nicole Hanson of the LME and Chris Bayliss of ASI discuss how aluminium brands can reach compliance.
Introduction to LME Responsible Sourcing - part 1
The first of the webinar series introduces LME’s journey to the responsible sourcing policy, including the three tracks to compliance.
Introduction to Responsible Sourcing (Mandarin)
This webinar in Mandarin provides the key aspects of the responsible sourcing requirements, co-hosted with RCS Global.
Tracks to Compliance
Webinar three offers a deeper look at tracks A, B and C, how to choose between them, and an explanation of the LME Red Flag Assessment.
Wind turbines
Understanding Audit and Management Systems
Webinar four will help listeners understand management systems, determining CAHRAs, track A alignment assessment, and more.
Talking Responsibly podcast
Talking Responsibly podcast
LME’s Chief Sustainability Officer, Georgina Hallett joined David Hickey and Adam Matthews on the Talking Responsibly podcast. 
Frequently asked questions
Webinar five addresses the most frequently asked questions about the responsible sourcing requirements.
Implementation Workshop
This workshop answers technical questions about all three tracks, including advice on completing the RFA and the status of Track A standards.
LME负责任采购政策的实施 – 常见问题解答
LME品牌生产商需首次提交负责任采购报告,此报告提交日期于2022年6月30日截至。我们会在此研讨会中回答生产商、审计员和标准提出的遗留问题,包括如何完成途径 C 的危险信号评估、途径 B 的审计运作方式以及途径 A 的标准状态。此外,我们还会提供这些报告的提交方法。
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