The LME Tokyo Update 2024 is now finished.
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Welcome and Introduction - Kevin Nutt - Head of Sales, LME (PDF)
Horizon Insights
Horizon Insights
Horizon Insights is the largest independent investment research provider in China. Headquartered in Shanghai, we have established offices in Beijing, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong SAR, Singapore and United State.
Our research product covers global macro, currencies, fixed income, commodities and equities. We adopt a top-down approach, where we combine macro forces, fundamentals as well as Chinese market sentiments, to provide our clients with directional view on commodity prices, thereafter, offering suitable trading strategies (derivatives-focused) to generate alpha.
For macro, we focus on the 6 key pillars that drive the Chinese economy, including Consumption, Property, Infrastructure, Construction, Manufacturing, Import/Export, Policy impacts, etc. For commodities, our niche is in industrial materials, including Ferrous metals, Base metals, Energy and Petrochemicals.
In terms of clients we are presently working with, they range from industrial clients (e.g. Metals & Mining, Oil & Gas etc.), hedge funds, proprietary trading firms, banks, commodity trading houses, SOEs, amongst others.
Our research product covers global macro, currencies, fixed income, commodities and equities. We adopt a top-down approach, where we combine macro forces, fundamentals as well as Chinese market sentiments, to provide our clients with directional view on commodity prices, thereafter, offering suitable trading strategies (derivatives-focused) to generate alpha.
For macro, we focus on the 6 key pillars that drive the Chinese economy, including Consumption, Property, Infrastructure, Construction, Manufacturing, Import/Export, Policy impacts, etc. For commodities, our niche is in industrial materials, including Ferrous metals, Base metals, Energy and Petrochemicals.
In terms of clients we are presently working with, they range from industrial clients (e.g. Metals & Mining, Oil & Gas etc.), hedge funds, proprietary trading firms, banks, commodity trading houses, SOEs, amongst others.
Toyota Tsusho Metals Limited
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