The table below details instances during March 2022 where the LME Nickel Official Prices were subject to disruption events (and therefore constituted disrupted Official Prices as defined in notice 22/092).
The table also outlines how the LME Nickel Monthly Average Settlement Price was calculated for March 2022, taking into account the disruption events and calculation methodology defined in notice 22/092.
Business day |
Official Settlement Price |
Prices used for MASP calculation |
01-Mar |
25,450 |
25,450 |
02-Mar |
27,000 |
27,000 |
03-Mar |
28,800 |
28,800 |
04-Mar |
29,800 |
29,800 |
07-Mar |
42,995 |
42,995 |
08-Mar |
Disrupted Official Price |
30,800 |
09-Mar |
Disrupted Official Price |
30,800 |
10-Mar |
Disrupted Official Price |
30,800 |
11-Mar |
Disrupted Official Price |
30,800 |
14-Mar |
Disrupted Official Price |
30,800 |
15-Mar |
Disrupted Official Price |
30,800 |
16-Mar |
Disrupted Official Price |
30,800 |
17-Mar |
Disrupted Official Price |
30,800 |
18-Mar |
Disrupted Official Price |
30,800 |
21-Mar |
Disrupted Official Price |
30,800 |
22-Mar |
30,800 |
30,800 |
23-Mar |
Disrupted Official Price |
35,550 |
24-Mar |
Disrupted Official Price |
35,550 |
25-Mar |
35,550 |
35,550 |
28-Mar |
34,050 |
34,050 |
29-Mar |
33,100 |
33,100 |
30-Mar |
32,750 |
32,750 |
31-Mar |
33,400 |
33,400 |
March 2022 MASP 31,860.65 |
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