
There are over 465 LME-approved storage facilities in 33 locations across the USA, Europe and Asia.

The LME does not own or operate warehouses, nor does it own the material they contain. It simply authorises warehouse companies and the warehouses they operate to store LME-registered brands of metal, on behalf of warrant holders, and issue LME warrants through their London agent for material delivered into their approved warehouses. 

Approved warehouse list

The list of approved warehouses is only available to logged in users who have requested access.

Log in to download the LME-approved warehouse list

Approval process

Approving a location is the first step in the process for listing warehouses for LME delivery. Once a location is approved, the LME will license warehouse companies to issue LME warrants and finally list the warehouses that may store the metal.

Approving new delivery locations

The LME approves warehouse locations with the objective of having widespread network throughout the world in most of the important areas of net consumption. Locations must have appropriate fiscal and regulatory systems, be served by a good transport network, have the facility to store goods without payment of duty and enjoy political and economic stability.

Review the policy on approval of locations as delivery points (PDF)

Request an application form to list a new location

Please state the location you would like to list when requesting the application form.

Becoming an approved warehouse company

Warehouse companies will be considered for listing in an existing or new location subject to completion of a contract application form supported by evidence of insurance, capital adequacy and other documents as detailed by the LME from time to time.

Becoming an approved warehouse

The LME will only accept applications for the listing of new warehouses from existing approved warehouse companies.

Inspection of warehouse premises will take place prior to any listing to ensure they adhere to the logistical nature of the location required by the LME. All such requirements will be outlined by the LME when sending the application form.

Review the policy on the approval and operations of warehouses (PDF)

Request an application form to become an approved warehouse company

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For more information, please get in touch.

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