
The Sustainability and Physical Markets (SPM) department brings together our world-leading warehousing, brand and sustainability activities.

Our close connectivity to the physical industry is central to the LME and its strategy. It has been a core focus of some of our most recent innovations including the establishment of responsible sourcing requirements, the launch of our sustainability strategy for the metals industry and the introduction of LMEpassport.

The SPM department is responsible for the strategy, delivery, and operation of the LME’s physical market and sustainability activity. This includes the strategic development of all areas of the LME’s physical ecosystem including:

  • future commercialisation
  • sustainability
  • and management of physical market relationships.

The SPM department also deals with producers of LME-listed brands, and handles the operation of the LME’s physical network including:

  • LME warehousing
  • operation of the LME approved brands list
  • LME responsible sourcing
  • and LMEpassport.


Find out more about LME responsible sourcing by watching our on-demand webinar series.

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