
LME Group fees and charges

The LME Group fees and charges document includes all transaction fees, subscription and facilitation fees, market data fees, LME Clear post-trade service charges, connectivity charges and all other LME charges.

LME Group Fees and Charges (PDF)

LME trading fee calculator

Use our fee calculator tool to work out trading and clearing fees in a range of trading scenarios including: outrights, multi-leg carries and exchange and client contracts on all LME venues.

LME Trading Fee Calculator (XLS)

Indicative fees for market data, LMEtrader GUI and FIX and binary sessions

We have published an information sheet to give users early sight of the potential charging structure and indicative fee levels of market data, the new trading GUI (LMEtrader) and FIX & binary sessions to support participants in planning for the launch of our new trading platform, LMEselectv10.

Indicative Fees for Market Data, LMEtrader GUI and FIX and Binary Sessions (PDF)

Contact us

For further information relating to fees, use the links below.

Transaction and membership fees

Contact us

LMEsword fees

Contact us


LME Group Position Transfer Procedure (PDF)

LME Group client fee examples (PDF)

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