
Participants will be able to access our new trading platform, LMEselect v10, in one of three ways:

  1. New FIX 5.0 (SP2) gateway
  2. New binary gateways
  3. New browser-based GUI, LMEtrader

Public key

Public Key (PEM file)

FIX gateway

We are moving to a new, industry standard FIX 5.0 (Service Pack 2) interface making it easier for API participants to set up and connect.

The FIX interface will also allow users access to all LME market segments using only one interface.

The FIX interface will be closely aligned to “FIX principles”, with minimal use of custom tags, making it easier to code to.

FIX documents

Binary gateway

For the most latency sensitive applications, all users will be able to access the new trading platform via our new, low-latency binary interfaces.

Users will require one binary gateway per LME market segment. ie one binary gateway for the futures market segment and another for the options market segment.

There will be additional, binary-only functionality, like mass quotes. And we will reduce message construction optionality to ensure parity between binary participants.

Binary gateway documents

Browser based GUI, LMEtrader 

We have partnered with Trading Technologies (TT) to build an advanced, functionally rich and browser-based GUI, called LMEtrader, for the new trading platform.

Available to members and, for the first time, their clients, the front-end trading interface includes an advanced price ladder tool for trading, charting functionality and highly-customisable layouts. These layouts will persist across devices and through upgrades.

LMEtrader will also support the functionality available on the new trading platform such as additional GTC orders.

The GUI is now available for members on LMEselect v9.4 and will be made available for test on the new trading platform, LMEselect v10, in the summer of 2023.

LMEtrader documents

LMEtrader videos

LMEtrader demonstration March 2023

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If you have any questions, please get in touch.

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