The EMIR Risk Committee (“EMIR RC”) is a sub-committee of the Board which shall advise the Board on arrangements that may impact the risk management of the Company (a CCP (Central Counterparty clearing house)), such as a significant change in its risk model; the default procedures; the criteria for accepting clearing members; the clearing of new classes of instruments; or the outsourcing of functions as required under the UK European Market Infrastructure Regulation (UK EMIR).
The Committee will be composed of up to 15 individuals of whom:
- at least 2, and a maximum of 3 shall be non-executive directors (as defined by the articles of association of the company)
- at least 2, and a maximum of 4 shall be representatives of clients of clearing members; and
- at least 2, and a maximum of 8 shall be representatives of clearing members
The Committee shall be constituted to ensure that as required by regulation no one Committee membership category shall have a majority of votes.
The duties of the Committee include monitoring and assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of the Company’s risk management policies, procedures and risk management systems and methodology insofar as they relate to market, credit and liquidity; and advising the Board on the initial versions of, and any changes to, the LME Rulebook which impact on the risk profile of the Company.
For the avoidance of doubt, the Committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the Board and any recommendations made by the Committee shall not be binding on the Board or on the Company. In the event that the Board decides not to follow a recommendation of the Committee, the Company shall promptly inform the Bank of England.
More information on the Committee’s duties can be found in the Terms of Reference:
Terms of Reference (PDF)
Clearing members |
Clients of clearing members |
Louise-Amelie Decaix - BNP Paribas |
Andrei Bounkin - Glencore |
Franck Borgel - Societe Generale Group |
Andrew Campbell - Levmet
Samuel Masso - Macquarie Group
Nigel Moresi - Morgan Stanley
Ben Clifford - Arion Investment Management
Dr Dean Shoosmith - Marex Financial
Benjamin Cooper - Engelhart Commodities Trading Partners
Lifan Zhang - Mitsui Bussan Commodities