LME Cobalt liquidity windows from Wednesday 12 March 2025 To help build electronic liquidity for LME Cobalt, market participants are encouraged to provide improved two-way pricing on LMEselect during a weekly “liquidity window”. Frequency: every Wednesday Time: 09.00 - 09.30 London time (04.00 ET / 10.00 CET / 17.00 CST) Where: LMEselect
Contact us (email)Cobalt is a versatile transition metal prized for its exceptional strength, thermal stability, and corrosion resistance. Critical to modern technology, it powers lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles and electronics.
LME Cobalt plays a pivotal role in global metal markets being the only physically settled contract for the electric vehicles sector, offering a terminal market for producers in times of oversupply.
Fee waiver: To further enhance the growth of contracts related to the energy transition, the LME introduced a 100% fee discount for LME Cobalt until 31 December 2027 (more details in Member Notice 24/179).
Key contract information
Lot size: 1 tonne
Price quotation: US$ per tonne
Contract code: CO
Settlement type: Physical
View full contract specifications

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