
LMEminis are five tonne cash-settled monthly future contracts that settle against the LME 'parent' contract Official LME Settlement price.

Credible reference price

Because LMEminis are settled basis the LME Official Settlement Price and benefit from the liquidity of the parent contracts, investors can be confident the price at settlement is reflective of global supply and demand.


Traded in lots of five tonnes, they are designed to be less capital intensive than their 25-tonne parent equivalents both in outlay and margin. This allows a wider range of investor involvement in the market.


It's never been easier to access and trade the world’s most liquid industrial metals market. LME member firms, supported by a growing number of Independent Software Vendors, offer market access to the electronic trading of LMEminis on LMEselect  and the LME’s inter-office telephone market.

Solid foundations

LMEminis' parent futures, LME AluminiumLME Copper and LME Zinc, are the Exchange’s most liquid and high-volume contracts.

LMEminis are five tonne cash-settled monthly future contracts that settle against the LME 'parent' contract Official LME Settlement price for:

LME Copper

LME Aluminium

LME Zinc 

Contract specifications

Lot size 5 tonnes
Prompt date Third Wednesday of each maturity month, subject to trading regulations
Maturity months
Monthly out to for 12 months
Price quotation
US dollars
Clearable currency
US dollars
Last trading time
By 12.30 two business days before the third Wednesday of the contract month trading in the expiring contract
Daily price limit
Position limit
Minimum price fluctuation (tick size)
Outright - $0.50
Carries - $0.01
Settlement type
Cash settled on the last trading day basis the Official Cash Settlement Price determined for the prompt date for the relevant underlying metal
Trading venues
LMEselect and inter-office telephone market


All contracts subject to LME rules and regulations and LME Clear SPAN margining.

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