The LME delivery system relies on a user being guaranteed a specified quality and quantity of metal.
To ensure a consistency in quality, all metal delivered into LME-approved storage facilities must be an LME-approved brand and conform to specifications on quality, shape and weight. Producers looking to register their production for LME delivery must meet certain criteria for each brand before gaining LME approval.
How to list your brand
Find out the process for listing your brand for LME delivery by following the guidance notes for applicant producers.
Latest brands notices
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Approved brands
Details include country, producer name, brand name and deliverable shape by metal.

Chemical composition
Learn about the chemical composition for each metals contract.

Samplers and assayers
LME listed samplers and assayers are independent organisations skilled in the chemical analysis of metals.

Listing process
Details of the process for registering a brand with the LME.
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